Welcome Future PrimoPartner
Becoming a PrimoPartner provides many benefits only available to select Businesses. By limiting the number of partners to a geographical area those partners should benefit and have the potential to increase customer loyalty by offering Primoaire devices with their existing services, ultimately helping them to stand out in the market and grow their business.

Benefit with PrimoPartner

Specific products:
As a PrimoPartner, you have access to purchase professional product not available in the retail market.

Professional pricing:

Support & Training:

Admin panel:

Customer loyalty:

Exclusive geographical area:

Energy efficiency specialist:
Product Available only to PrimoPartners

Versatile Monitor
This Versatile Monitor mounts on wall or can be set on a table top. It comes with 115volt Power adaptor and USB-C cord.

24 Volt Power adaptor
24 Volt Power adaptor allows monitor to be installed next to an existing thermostat utilizing the existing 24vac to power the IAQ Monitor.

Additional to SmartPlug
Additional to the SmartPlug to control ON/OFF which can control only one device, the Hublay can control up to 5 different IAQ devices.